
Bui Phuong Nam

Hello World! This is my website! Visit my Github and see all my project I have done so far. Contact me through Email for work, or via Telegram or Discord if you need for instant contact or just want to make friends.

Programming Skills



Have Used:

Other Skills

Theoretical Knowledge

Understand the basic idea of programming methodology, data structure & algorithm, and OOP

Understand mathematics applications in Convex Optimisation of Data Analytics.

Understand the database systems design techniques.

Technical Skills

Have experience in programming with data structures and algorithms, as well as OOP.

Have experience in working with AI chatbot API (OpenAI, HuggingFaces) and using Docker to facilitate full-stack server.

Have experience in working with several electrical devices (LDR, IR), and HardWare Description Programming (bare-metal programming, Arduino, and FPGA Using Verilog).

Solving several Data Problems using Python.


Native speaker of Vietnamese.

Fluent in English.

Have some basic knowledge of Chinese Characters.


A website to convert normal texts into a book-style vertical writing script. Mostly suitable for poems, especially East Asian language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese Chữ Nôm) poems.


The company internal chatbot project I have contributed during my internship in FPT Asia Pacific, using APIs from the latest LLM models like OpenAI and HuggingFace.


My personal blog, where I post different contents made by myself, such as tools, art (poems, drawings, etc), and data analysis. It is also where I could practice React and full-stack programming.

Arsdorint Chatbot

My adaptation of NUS Module CS2113 (Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming) chatbot Duke, helps the user manage their tasks via several commands such as "list", "todo", "deadline", "event", etc.

Machine Learning Research

A collection of all my presentations' slides weekly during my internship at HADTech JSC Company, reflecting my research about Machine Learning. The slides are written mostly in Vietnamese, thanks to some references below:

Arsdorint Video Editor App (Working)

A future video editor app I am currently developing, with a projected user interface presented below. I aim to develop my app with the help of FFmpeg, an open-source code for video editing.

Alex To The Rescue (Group Project)

My group project for the NUS Module CG2111A (Engineering Principles and Practice II), building a robotic vehicle (Alex) for search and rescue operation purposes. Motors, embedded controllers, power banks, chassis, and Lidar are also involved.

The A-Maze-ing Race Project (Group Project)

My group project of the NUS Module CG1111A (Engineering Principles and Practice I), building a self-driving robot vehicle (mBot) to solve the maze with a turning function via color detection, and play sound when it reaches the "destination".

EG1311 Design & Make Project (Group Project)

My group project of the NUS Module EG1311 (Design & Make), building a robotic vehicle with a catapult holding a ping-pong ball, using Motor Servo, raw materials, and Arduino to keep the ball passing some obstacles, and throws it over a wall.